My Goals for the Summer of 2010

Hey there,

So i never actually talked about my summer on here after I got back and what i learned about it. i actually can’t tell you some of the stuff but i can tell you what i learned on this trip though. before we arrive in East Asia we were supposed to write about our feelings, thoughts, and goals for our selves to our future selves. so basically we would get our letters back halfway into the trip to let us reevaluate ourselves and see if we were accomplishing what we wanted. I just found my letter again and wanted to share with you what my goals were. then maybe in some future posts ill share about whether or not i accomplished them

  1. I hope to grow in tremendous ways in many areas
  2. I hope to keep God first and grow in dependency on Him and in desperation for Him.
  3. I hope to grow a heart for the lost for those in East Asia.
  4. I hope to grow in my relationship with the Lord
  5. I hope to grow more in love with Him
  6. I want to pray for my family, my friends, and Cornell
  7. I want to see a change in myself
  8. I want to grow in my knowledge of Chinese so that hopefully one day I would be able to share it with my grandparents and parents
  9. I want to be able to reach out to my own people and be a cultured Chinese Christian
  10. I want to grow as a person
  11. I want to be more obedient
  12. I want to be able to wake up by myself to one alarm
  13. I want to control my sleeping habits
  14. I would like to grow as a Godly man
  15. I would like to pray for the woman God has in store for me
  16. I hope that God will help make me into a man that will be able to love her in a Godly way
  17. Knowing i have a lot of expectations, I need to realize that I’m doing this for God first and foremost
  18. I hope that he will use me in amazing ways
  19. If things go bad or if they dont turn out the way I hope them to be I need to know that there is nothing I can do that will disappoint Him
  20. I should remember the story of John when he was in prison for doing ministry
  21. Remember that Jesus was praising him and he never knew it
  22. I hope to learn more about my culture and who I am
  23. I want to learn more about relationships and how to disciple people
  24. Learning about reaching out to people on a one on one basis
  25. I hope to be able to learn about the underground body and ministry
  26. I want to be able to take that back to Cornell for the ministry
  27. I want to learn how to interact with people, getting to know them, bringing them to Jesus, and doing follow up also
  28. I hope that I wont get distracted and that I will keep the goal in mind.
  29. Keep God first and foremost and everything else will be given
  30. I hope that all these things happen and so much more
  31. I hope that I’ll be able to share my experience and encourage others

I basically just typed up my letter in bullet form. I guess i would like to just share more of how God worked in me over there and what I learned. and of course there would be more random posts also

For His Glory,

Will Poon

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